Our Schoolroom
Once again, we’re participating in the annual (Not) Back-To-School Blog Hop: Schoolroom Week over at Heart of the Matter Online. It’s my favorite week of the year in HS blog world, the week everyone posts pictures and descriptions of their schoolroom! I got so many storage, organization, and setup ideas this way when I was first dreaming up our homeschool space, and now I’m happy to share what I’ve done with ours, as well as keep looking at everyone else’s spaces— I usually spend several weeks checking these out during my downtime, eventually hitting every single post so I can see each schoolroom.
Without further ado, here is our schoolroom, aka our dining area, which we use for both functions daily. We’ve been in this house for two years and I’m still tweaking how I store things and how we use the space we’ve been blessed with. I’ll share all the details as the pics progress. And please, keep in mind that all my spaces are freshly cleaned out and organized for the new school year; they don’t represent the chaos of everyday life yet at this point. Not by any means. That should be a given, but last year I was actually criticized on a homeschool page on Facebook where we were sharing our schoolroom pics— for having too neat a space. True story! Thankfully, most of my fellow HS moms were quick to defend me by saying that we’re all starting out fresh and neat and presenting our spaces in their best form— sharing ideas and solutions with each other.
Here is a shot of the table, where all the action happens, both during school time and at breakfast, lunch, snack time, and dinner:
Those are, of course, my students, whom I’ll be showcasing next week. This was taken just after I’d finished giving them both their lessons and they were doing their work. “Work” for the little one consists of tracing dots I made on the lapboard. He loves doing that!
This is the room as you walk into it from our foyer/living area. The kitchen is to the right.
I panned around the room. The cabinets in the corner I had added to our house plans with the specific intent of having a homeschool supply cabinet. I love having it more than words can express.
This is with my back to the kitchen. We love the view out of our windows— nothing but trees in our yard and across the street.
Facing into the living area. G is making faces, because…that’s just what he does.
Now to the organization & storage breakdown.
I use the countertop of the school cabinets to store all the books we use daily. My teacher manuals, answer keys, their workbooks, and all the various texts and supplementary materials we need to get our hands on easily, most every day. I bought a simple plastic vertical file sorter to hold them all up neatly. I love this setup. It really does stay mostly this neat all year, because as long as we put the books back up, they stay orderly and neat.
We also keep our printer/scanner up there, and of course our pencils & sharpener. All used daily.
This is one of the top cabinet shelves. Way up top, I keep all the books/manuals/materials from G’s previous grades, to use in the future with D. On the lower shelves I have various supplies like stickers & dominoes, and that bin holds D’s magnetic letters. I have a space made there for a bucket of counting bears, which I hope to be able to buy soon.
These are the other top shelves. Way up top are boxes of G’s previous years’ work and extra school supplies. Middle shelf is all art supplies and other supplies that the boys know are off limits unless they ask and someone gets it down for them (basically, the messy stuff I don’t want them getting into on their own.) The bottom shelf is not school-related but is just our medicine/vitamin shelf. Didn’t know how to not include it, but please just ignore.
Here is a view of all the bottom cabinets. Left side I keep those file shelves for filing finished worksheets & papers, each boys’ folders of artwork for the year, notebook paper, and handwriting paper. In the middle is a box of used paper, printed on one side, that my dad gave the boys for drawing & writing on. Above that I have file shelves with printer paper. Right side is paper and materials I save for them to paint on. I save all cardboard scraps, fancy white paper (like, for instance, when you buy a picture frame, the glossy sheet you get that’s plain white on the back? Perfect for little ones to paint on!), newsprint from packages…I keep anything they can paint on, that I don’t have to pay for.
The shelves way in the back I just use for storing containers and things we may use in the future. Those shelves are extremely hard to get to…or maybe I’m just getting old.
These are the drawers. Nothing exciting, just various supplies, but maybe someone will get an idea or two, like the baskets for drawer dividers. Love having those!
Another pic of the students, obviously hard at work.
You can see a white cabinet over there in the corner; I use that for more storage. On top is our globe, clock, flag, and I have a tray that we use to store change for money counting practice (and currently, it’s holding G’s stuffed bird collection). And inside…
Top shelf is extra workbooks, books, and materials that are not our daily-use things, but that I use from time to time. On the right I have magazine files with coloring and activity books; most of these are just for-fun things and not school-related.
2nd shelf holds the only art supplies they have free range with: their markers, crayons, and colored pencils. And I see there are some flash cards there, too.
3rd shelf holds flash cards and normally there are learning games and manipulatives there in the empty space, but I guess they were out being used on picture day.
Bottom shelf is where I store extra binders, schoolbooks we’re going to use this year but aren’t using yet (his Apologia science set is down there…yay!), and the binders in which I keep G’s state portfolio, in the event it’s ever requested.
That’s an exhaustive tour of our schoolroom. Thanks for stopping by! I love comments. Be sure to stop by and check out all the other schoolrooms on display this week at The Heart of the Matter Online:
Organization makes me so happy. Just viewing those photos makes me smile–and it’s not even my home. Weird.
Comment by Jericho | 08.12.2011 | 10:36 pm
Cam, I am truly amazed by you. I love your organization, your commitment to your kids…. and just the you that God made you. Oh, and you impress me
Comment by Beka Beccue | 08.12.2011 | 10:43 pm
What a great space!! I love how bright and sunny it is! I love most how organized you are inside the cabinets!! I need to come get some tips :).
Comment by Our Country Road | 08.13.2011 | 2:04 pm
Your room is gorgeous! Love, love the idea of the extra cabinets and counter space on the left of your room. Oh, and I always “clean up” before I take any pictures that I post on my blog. Who wants to see my mess??!!
Comment by Jen | 08.13.2011 | 6:02 pm
Hey, we have a yellow kitchen, too! And maybe even that same tile!
Your space looks so cheerful and inviting–I love the kid art display on the wall!
Looks like you have a couple of enthusiastic students there! Have a great year of learning together!
Comment by Sparklee | 08.14.2011 | 1:46 pm
I wanted to let you know I featured you on my Pinterest Tuesday weekly link up. Come by and grab a button! http://ourcountryroad.blogspot.com/2011/08/pinterest-tuesday-week-one.html
Comment by Our Country Road | 08.16.2011 | 1:05 am
Love your space, mama! I think HOTM should do an Schoolroom post in February – so everyone can see what things look like after months of schooling, too! LOL It is fun to see everyone’s spaces all tidy now though!
Comment by Jesse | 08.16.2011 | 10:00 pm
What a great school room! I especially lime the adorable drawing on the wipe off board! And I love the neatness and orderliness!
I like things to be pretty and neat.. Makes me
When you like things in order, you work better when everything is tidy.. So funny
Someone complained about neatness
More relaxed! Have a great school year
Comment by Hilda Rebecca | 09.4.2011 | 10:42 pm